
About Us

We help leaders of established businesses progress through shared experience, expertise and support.

The Why

Pabasso provides solutions to opportunities, problems, issues, and challenges.


The Founder

Who Is Behind The Concept

Pabasso is the brainchild of Richard Doyle, who previously founded and grew Esteem Systems, a successful IT business.

Richard continued his career following Esteem Systems, with roles as a Non-Executive Director/Chair to help other business leaders who were on a journey to grow and develop their businesses. Richard did this for the next ten years, during which time he helped a number of these business leaders achieve successful exits.

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How It Works

Peer Advisory Boards are structured groups of like minded Business Leaders who meet regularly under the guidance of an experienced and respected facilitator or ‘Chair’.

The Board

At the core of Pabasso lies the confidential peer advisory board. On a monthly basis, we convene to collaboratively address solutions to opportunities, problems, issues, and challenges. These are addressed with a select group of up to 12 highly accomplished business leaders from non-competing organisations. These peers offer their unique perspectives, allowing you to find solutions that may not be obvious to your business colleagues who have a vested interest in your business.

The Chair

Your chair facilitates the monthly meetings and leads the group discussions using an established framework that ensures the most pressing issues are discussed and solutions proposed. Additionally, your Chair holds personal 121 sessions each month with all members who can expect to be supported, challenged, advised, mentored and coached in these meetings.

Guest Speaker

At each monthly meeting, we invite a guest speaker to join us to cover a topical subject chosen by the board.


Monthly Meetings

Board Membership is Limited to a Maximum of 12 Members

All members are from non-competitive sectors. Suppliers and customers of members are excluded from their board, but may join another Pabasso board.

Members bring both personal and business issues to the board recognising that a challenging personal issue can impact on their productivity. The most pressing issues are discussed in detail, in a formal and structured way. Members whose issues are processed leave the meeting with proposed solutions, against which they update the board at the next meeting. Monthly meetings are scheduled annually in advance and typically take a full morning.

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Pabasso Monthly 121 Meetings

Monthly 121 Meeting With Your Board Chair

All Pabasso Chairs are experienced, well connected, ex CEO’s or Business Coaches who have a wealth of experience and expertise to bring to the table and help relieve the growing pains associated with a successful business.

There is no burden of preparation for members for the monthly 121s as all Pabasso 121 meetings are followed up with a note from your Chair which along with a simple agenda, informs the meetings.

As with the Pabasso monthly board meetings, 121’s are governed by the Pabasso confidentiality agreement which all members have subscribed to. This allows frank and open discussion to take place on both personal (if desired) and business matters, recognising that personal problems can impact the business.

Pabasso members can expect to be supported, challenged, advised, mentored and coached in these 121 meetings. Sometimes it can be simply about being listened to as a sounding board and/or signposted to information or contacts that can help the individual member progress. Sometimes it’s just about discussing strategy. 

The monthly 121 meeting with the Chair of the Pabasso board is considered by most members to be of significant value.

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