Workplace Walking For Mental Health

In a recent Pabasso meeting we were discussing mental health and the benefits of getting away from your desk to get some fresh air and exercise which led to a discussion about providing walking maps at your business premises, recognising that not everyone is a gym rat or a runner and do not always want that intensity of exercise (and sweat) at lunchtime.

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Many of us have checked into a hotel and been given walking maps showing nice walking routes in the vicinity of the hotel with times and distances.

In a recent Pabasso meeting we were discussing mental health and the benefits of getting away from your desk to get some fresh air and exercise which led to a discussion about providing walking maps at your business premises, recognising that not everyone is a gym rat or a runner and do not always want that intensity of exercise (and sweat) at lunchtime.

Some of our members have Walking Clubs where groups of people go out for a walk together at lunchtime – you don’t even need to hold hands!

Getting away from your workspace and getting some fresh air and exercise is great for everyone’s mental health so why not encourage it by producing some maps showing a variety of walking routes to and from your premises? 

Interestingly when I was looking into this I came across Paths For All, a charity in Scotland that encourage walking at work and has produced a comprehensive WorkPlace Walking Toolkit, should you need one, on how to get such an initiative underway.

It couldn’t be easier to organise – they say you should learn to walk before you run so what’s stopping you?

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